We hope you are looking forward to your holiday with Bruce Boats. Here are links to information we would encourage you to look at before you come.
First, check out the Hirer’s Guide – if you don’t have time to look at the rest, please read this one!
The Route Planning Guide includes a map and information about the canal.
If you have not been on our boats before, we strongly recommend that you watch some introductiory videos. The Canal & River Trust video is a good general introduction, and our own videos show Bruce Boats in action. Experienced boaters may find some top tips here too!
The Boater’s Handbook is the the essential reference book of canal boating. There will be a copy on board, but it is good to familiarise yourself with it in advance:
The Boat User Manual tells you everything you need to know about our boats. You can consult the onboard copy during your trip when you don’t know where something is or how it works:
There will be a copy of the Boater’s Handbook, the Hirer’s Guide and the Boat User Manual on board your boat, along with maps and other useful information.
On the day of your Bruce Boats hire, you will need to arrive at Great Bedwyn Wharf at about 12 o’clock. We have parking on site, and Bedwyn Station is a 5-minute walk away. If you are delayed, please call 07442 405093 or the volunteer’s phone number you have been given. Your volunteer handover team will meet you and show you over the boat, before accompanying you a little way down the canal until you are confident on your own. We wish you all the best for a happy and relaxing holiday
Bruce Boats are part of the Kennet & Avon Canal Trust, the organisation which restored the canal and which continues to promote, protect and enhance the canal for all users. Find out how you can support this work, and learn about what is happening along the 87 miles of canal: