Bruce Boats were founded as The Bruce Trust by David and Louise Bruce back in 1988, to provide boats for the disabled, disadvantaged and elderly – including wheelchair-users – to enjoy time on the canal. The boats were given to the Kennet & Avon Canal Trust in 2017, where they continue to be run by volunteers with the same charitable objectives, and have been joined by Lady Hilda, a youth narrowboat.

Bruce Boats are run from Great Bedwyn Wharf on land owned by the Canal & River Trust and leased by the Kennet & Avon Canal Trust. The wharf site is maintained by volunteers who do their best to keep vegetation under control. Please note that, in line with CRT policy, KACT cannot be held responsible for any injury or damage to personal property caused by vegetation. If you notice vegetation which you consider to be a risk, please let us know and we will attend to it as soon as we have volunteers available to do so.